Genealogy Sites for Young People
Every family has a story--in fact, many stories. The magic lies in discovering them.
There are many web sites to guide children through the process of discovering family history.
Of course, the most interesting and rewarding type of research is through primary sources—interviews with living relatives. Many children are amazed at the wealth of stories that emerge when they take time to sit with older relatives and ask the right questions. A tape recorder is helpful, but note taking is also an effective way to preserve their stories.
Family History Activities for Children: 3-11
This site offers a variety of activities, downloadable forms, and historical links for learning about family history. Very impressive!
Family History Summer Fun for Kids
This site is geared to parents for guiding their children through family history activities during their summer free time, though older children could take on these activities on their own.
Connecting Children With their Past
This site includes clearly-explained activities for children to research their family history.
Another site for families working together, this site includes many links for activities geared to discovering family history. The activities are both educational and fun.
Start Your Family Tree for Free
This is an offer from to use their amazing resources free for 14 days. You may choose to continue with payment, or you may decide to cancel. Just be sure to cancel on time to avoid charges.